#>ipfilterX_K3 Series:
#>Date:[03 December 2021]
#_IP Added Record:[+2K]
Tag: ddos
>On Tuesday November 3, 2015 ProtonMail was taken offline by an extremely powerful DDOS attack.
The Attack is still on going while we’re writing this post , November 5 .
The attack could be related to recent GCHQ moves against this kind of service.
ipfilterHTX by Nexus23 Labs – Beta 4
## ipfilterHTX by Nexus23 Labs – Beta 4 ###
>Websites Owners if you are running Apache in your Webserver
or NGix
Convert .htaccess over here :
Paste these Deny Rules in your .htaccess :
#Remember Do not use these bans in PeerBlock ipfilter or similar,
these rules are intended to be used only to be a shield for your Websites , thanks .
ipfilterHTX by Nexus23 Labs – Beta 3
## ipfilterHTX by Nexus23 Labs – Beta 3 ###
>Websites Owners if you are running Apache in your Webserver
or NGix
Convert .htaccess over here :
Paste these Deny Rules in your .htaccess :
#Remember Do not use these bans in PeerBlock ipfilter , these rules are intended to be used only to be a shield for your Websites , thanks .
ipfilterX B41 : Codename Cato Neimoidia
>Date 02/01/2013
>Updates : Ddos and BruteForce Attackers IPs, Scammers Hosts, Spammers, Malware Ranges, Unknown Private Customers, Unfair Corporations
>>>Parsed lines/entries:9571 Found IP ranges:9564 Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs
>>>>IP Count : 589,711,798
>>>>>Security Rating : +++
>>>>>>Codename : Cato Neimoidia
ipfilterX B27 : Codename Xwings
>Date 11/05/2012
>Updates : P2P Flooders, MIL, Ddos Attackers, Spam Harvests, eConsulting and Marketing Firms, Financial Services, Entertainment Companies
>>>Parsed lines/entries:8486 Found IP ranges:8479 Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs
>>>>IP Count : 604,412,541
>>>>>Security Rating : +++
>>>>>>Codename : Xwings
>>>>>>>ipfilterX2 : Duplicates Removed: 0 Merged Ranges: 0 Deny IP Count: [621,279,446] Rules Added: [15419]
>>>>>>>>Report any problem about ipfilterX ip ranges
to http://nexus23.com /.org and/or http://p2pblocklist.net
, thank you .