ipfilterX Blacklists include dedicated blacklists for massive banning of specified targets / threats.
#A-MOD Bonus Blacklists are available for download only with ipfilterX3 Subscription.
Notes :
Add if you like to maximum increase your level protection on browsing the net or to protect your network from known and specified threat. These blacklists could contain false positives though.
This blocklist is only an ADD-ON MODULE .
Files into the MOD.zip :
one .dat for uTorrent and compatible formats, one .p2p for PeerBlock , .txt CIDR Notation, or .gz extension.
-ipfilterXNSA: N.S.A. IPs dedicated Blacklist
#Note : NSA Blacklist bans all the IPs that we discovered belonging and controlled by to NSA or its contractors.
Malware Blacklist:
Codename ipfilterX.Malware.AMOD.
Intruder: Spamming – Scanning – Bruteforce – Ddoser Blacklist:
Codename ipfilterX.Intruder.AMOD