Despite being around for so long, there is still some confusion among internet users about how Peerblock works.
Peerblock is an application that uses IP blacklists to protect your privacy and be a good shield for your data on the net.
However, without the right, updated and performant ipfilter, Peerblock can be rendered ineffective.
In essence, Peerblock without the proper ipfilter is like having a Ferrari without an engine.
To get a better understanding of Peerblock, take a look at what users are saying on social media. Check out some tweets and see what insights they have to share.
Strange indeed…."The UK Department of Work and Pensions"…that name always appears on my peerblock…and I am not from UK…
— Ingmar Veeck (@IngmarVeeck) March 12, 2023
Answer: We are pretty sure that the IP that he does see displayed as blocked OR does not belong anymore to UKDWP or has nothing to do with some kind of net privacy infringing.
you need a blocker, I never get those cause I use peerblock (it's free software)
— 🌈themperor mel wants a ceasefire🥄🌿💛🤍💜🖤🌈 (@redfresds) March 8, 2023
Question: Mel of Andria, you do use Peerblock and what ipfilter do you load with it?
Answer: Probably she has no idea
peerblock c'est bien de base, faut le faire pas que pour bittorrent, c'est le principe du parefeu t'as pas vraiment de raison de communiquer avec des IP de la pouliche ou de cabinets chelous
ratio master doit continuer de fonctionner SI tu mets la bonne adresse de tracker
— Un droïde protocolaire (@z8po) July 26, 2022
Comment: Did the French mentioned the French…pardonez moi….ipfilter? C’est mal
This software is called Peerblock. Derived from Peer Guardian by Meth Labs designed to keep the gov out of anything it runs on lol
— JoshWho #SeekingTheTruth*⃣ (@JoshWhoX) March 25, 2023
“designed to keep the gov out of anything it runs on lol”, told with that facial expression tells it all…
Anyway…this show with John McCullen featured the work and the worth of Peerblock but it didn’t give the rightful idea about how it works really
Hence it’s again surprising that even after almost 20 years on the market, many internet users are still unaware of the true potential of Peerblock but also still unaware about the damage that an outdated ipfilter can cause to their security.

To help users understand the capabilities of Peerblock and gain a better understanding of how ipfiltering works, we suggest checking out dedicated resources that explain how to use ipfilterX and Peerblock effectively.
Additionally, it’s crucial to stay informed about the potential risks of using an outdated ipfilter and how to properly maintain it, as you may notice above reading those tweets and our comments.
By doing so, you can ensure that you’re using Peerblock to its full potential and keeping your online activity safe and secure.
We hope that this post sheds some light on these important topics and prompts users to learn more about ipfiltering and Peerblock’s capabilities.