# Threats:
# IP Added Record:[+250]
# Merged/Extended:[11 to 29]
# Deleted:[37]
#>Security Levels: GLOBAL:[CRITICAL]
#[H3] Codename:[-Eternia-]
#>ipfilterX1: Duplicates Removed:[0] Merged:[0] Deny IP Count:[430M] Rules Added:[24K]
#>ipfilterX2: Duplicates Removed:[0] Merged:[0] Deny IP Count:[481M] Rules Added:[33K]
#>ipfilterX4: Duplicates Removed:[0] Merged:[0] Deny IP Count:[599M] Rules Added:[38K]
#–X4 Extended Ranges:[-Y-]
#—New IP Ranges Revision:[100% Completed]#Type:[Extended]:New IP Ranges Revision:[50% Completed]
#>Report and Contact for any problem about ipfilterX IP Ranges the Nexus23 Labs Team:
#_ https://ipfilterX.com ,
#>Free ipfilterX Website Mirror at: https://p2pblocklist.wordpress.com/